The Pugpant Chronicles
Howard Pee Pugpants, AnnieBelly, Java Cheesy, and Hannah
Howie's Fan Club
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Baby It's Cold Outside!
This Here is Howie
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuni Tuesday - A Tribute to a Lovely Angel Diva
Friday, June 8, 2012
Heroes in the Sky - Howie's Tribute to Hank
This here is Howie. I know I usually have to apologize for stuff I've done when we talk, but today I just want to ask you to watch over my buddy and my hero, Hanklin. He's settling in on his bran new cloud at your house and I imagine right about now he got his first look at my sissy Winnie Wiggles, whose jiggles have been known to give younger pugs palpitations. I'm glad Hank is feeling better today. He just sent me a text that he just had his fourteenth hamburger and washed it all down with a cold brew from the best stuff on tap he ever tasted. He said you even remembered no onion on his burger, without being reminded at all. Tomorrow he said he and all the pugs are going skiing on a pontoon pugboat and then they're gonna roast weenies and marshmallows and sit by the pool while the ladies talk about what will be on the all you can eat 24-hour buffet. He said the only thing that could make it better was if he got to tell his maw, one more time, how much he loves her. I promised I'd pass that along if he'd send me one of them hotdogs. Thanks for watching over Hank - tell him I'll be waiting on that delivery here by the front door. Signed most sincerely, Howie.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Thankful Thursday
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Her Majesty Wears Many Hats
This here is AnnieBee
I took Daddy Who Does My Bidding and Mommy Who Carries Me Around Like Royalty to Pugapalooza Saturday to see all my pug rescue peeps. It was a super bizzy day, and so many folks wanted to say hi and give me pats. Although you can see I was wearing a perfectly spectacular hat, Mommy got so wrapped up in talking to her friends she didn't sign me up for the hat contest. Fortunately, one of my puggy pals won the best bonnet award, so I wasn't too upset about that, since I'm pretty sure I can borrow the crown from her next time she comes to visit so I'll have a turn wearing it about my kingdom. I hope you all have a nice Easter planned - I'll be the guest of honor at Grammy's house and I expect my services will be required in the tater tasting kitchen. Mommy said this visit will officially earn me enough tator tasting points to gain my MPQ (mashed potato queen) certification, one which my big sissy Winnie Wiggles had for many years. The best part after visiting Grammy and feasting on the goodies is the long trip home snoring like a band saw in Mommy's lap. What wonderful plans do you have for Easter? Most importantly, what's on the menu? hmmmm?
Friday, March 30, 2012
Heaven's Newest Angel, Payton
We are so sad today in the Medina Foster Home for Wayward Pugs to hear that sweet Payton has gone to the Bridge. Her mom and dad, Christy and Tim, loved her with all their hearts, and kept her healthy and happy despite her battle with encephalitis. Her little body was tired and could not fight any more yesterday.
I remember losing Winnie Wiggles to GME Encephalitis in January 2008, and what a dark time this was in my life. The friends on dogster and the friends here on the blog carried me on their shoulders. I hope you will reach out to Christy and Tim and send them love, prayers, and comfort. There will never be another dog as determined and brave as little Payton. She beat so many odds for so long, what a blessing that we got to meet her right here not so long ago in our own home.
Run free sweet angel, until we meet again.
My tribute to Winnie:
Heavenly Missive
My Ode To Winnie Wiggles
Whippy creme and scrambled eggs are
Way up here in Heaven
In case you too
See only blue and wonder what you're gettin
They're other things like angel wings
With fur that's never sheddin'.
There's no disease or achin knees
and wrinkles smooth and silken
I fall asleep and dream of you
and times when we were given
to sprint and run and tug on toys
and dash to mom for lovin.
Tonight no tears oh Howie dear
because I have been taken
I’ll kiss your cheek and whiskers sweet
And heal the ache within you.
The pain it fades and goes away
And even loss feels lighter
When time moves on then pushes back
All that separates us.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Pecan Toe Strikes Again!
This is Hannah, and I'm the foster puggy at the Medina Foster Home for Wayward Pugs. I've been living here with Howie and his minions for almost a year now, so I am pretty sure I'm going to be a permanent fixture, something foster mommy says she just cannot do without, even more so than chocolate or whippy creme on her coffee.
Yesterday I was afflicted with the dreaded Pecan Toe. I made foster mommy promise not to tell anyone, and she agreed we would never speak of it again. When I walked into the house, my little pinky toe felt so peculiar. Mom took a look and she had these wise words: "Wutt the heck???" She reached down and extricated a little empty pecan husk that had neatly wrapped itself around my unsuspecting toe. She let me sniff it thoroughly before she put it in the trash, calling it names and berating it for cramping Her Hannah Banana's style.
I felt much better after my toe was de-pecan shell-ized. I could hop around without making a clickety clack noise on the hardwood floor, and Howie stopped making comments about how much he liked Pecan Pie fresh out of the oven with ice cream on top. Foster mom said she thinks it's cute that a little southern gal like me would be the only puggy she has ever known to come down with a distinctly antebellum malady such as Pecan Toe. It's just one more reason I am special.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Night of the Living Fatties
This here is AnnieBee
When the zombies come, they are going to eat Howie first. Then Hannah, then Java (not because he is fat, but because he has froggy legs and smells like cheese), and lastly possibly me, depending on how fast zombies can run. Howie I went to grammy's house for Thanksgiving recently and I was able to get this photo of my brother sitting on grammy's bran new recliner. I told mommy he looks like a rump roast with fur, and she told me it wasn't nice to say things about your brother like that. I told mommy I cannot help that my little mind runs to food all the time, after all, I am a pug! So, my question for you is, in your house, when the zombies come, who would get eaten first? Hmmm?
Friday, January 6, 2012
Goodbye to Annie's Love, Bajas
A story from when they first met:
sweetiepuggy, Bajas who makes my heart go pitty pat.

Handsome, isn't he? Look at those dreamy nose folds and
those big brown eyes. He has been hiding under the covers lately,
but posed for a photoshoot for the pug-parazzi yesterday.

Bajas is not only handsome, he is a brave metropolitan
puggy who is not afraid to take the city bus in Norway.
*I love you Bajas! I am sending you kisses Airmail to Norway from Texas!*
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Howie Pee Christmas Pug Wishes All His Peeps Happy Howlidays
This here is Howie
I got a baff today for Christmas. Maw said I smelt like the bottom of a fish tank, and Santa wudd steer clear of my house if she didn't do somethin' pronto. She took me to see my girlfriend Nicole who adores me who gives me my baffs. Now I smell like roses, dog food, and farts. I hope all my good pug friends get visits from Pugmas Claws and get all the toys and prezzies they deserve, even AnnieSmelly.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Reality Pug TV - Howie's Live Pug Cam Video - Wild Pugs Doing Puggy Things

Monday, December 12, 2011
Dear Santa From AnnieBee
Dear SantaPaws,
This here is Your Favorite Pug AnnieBee. Mommee says I have been really especially good this year, when I am sleeping. She said when I am sleeping, I am not digging the bath towels in the washroom into a pile to pee on. She says when I am sleeping I am not attacking my reflection in the oven door. She says when I am sleeping, I am not barking at her art clients who come to the house for important transactions involving square things that hang on the walls and look at me with frozen smiles on their faces while I fuss at them for not paying attention to me. She says when I am sleeping I am not trying to give my brother Howie a spankin for being annoying. And she says when I am sleeping, I am cute as a little smooshy nose bug in a rug. So as you can plainly see, I am perfect except for nine or 10 things.
So please bring me everything in the Neiman Marcus catalog 2011 this year, especially the sparkley items.
Love, AnnieBee With Kissies (and little hearts as dots over the "i's" in kissies)
PS - If you could also find a home for my foster sissy, Hannah, that would be most appreciated. This whole sharing mama's lap thing is for the birds!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Interview With Soon to Be Former Colgate Model AnnieBee
I tried to explain to his nurse that I need my pearly whites, most especially all my crooked bottom front teeth, since they are one of my endearing imperfections. *Howie rolls his eyes* But Dr. Carter insisted they were all broken and "just hanging on." I asked for some nice white veneers like Lindsey Lohan, but he thought I was joking! Then he got real worried, he told mama later, cuz he found a big pocket of infection under one of my back teeth. When I finally woke up from the sleepy juice, I had extra wrinkleys on my noggin, and everyone had to carry me around like a baby.
I enjoyed that attention, but now when I smile, all I see is gumline and my canine teefs showing! Howie said it makes me look more like a vampire, which is closer to my true nature, but mama is sad that my lip won't curl up for my signature snaggletooth smile any more. I think she's just upset that my Colgate spokespug contract could get canceled and so she can't spend money like a crazy mama any more. After all, how I can be their model any more now that I only gots a few toofs left? The worst part *baby pugs cover your ears and leave the room please* is I cannot play with any toys for TWO WEEKS. WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT??? *baby pugs can come back in the room now*
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Howie is a Thankful Pug
Monday, November 28, 2011
Hannah Banana, Foster Puggy Queen and Diva in Training
This here is Hannah
I'm the official foster puggy queen at the Medina Foster Home For Wayward Pugs, where I like to bark at leafs and trees and let everypuggy know I am the boss. I like to kick the grass after I bark the perimeter, and sometimes I burst outta the doggy door just to make sure no lurkers are out and about in my yard. Mama says I am the best guard puggy she has ever met, and I can tell Howie admires me. I taught Java Cheesy how to kick the grass too, so he has been working on that new skill, in addition to his current cheese production duties. I am 7 years old and look like a little froggy when I am sitting down. I love people, and when they come to visit I like to sit on their feets so they are sure to notice me. Mama says that I sound like a froggy when I bark, since I have a paralyzed larynx, but that just adds to my overall froggy charm. I was shy when I first came to Howie's house, but not anymore! Now I crawl right into the middle of the pile at bed time and go right to sleep. My snug buddy Howie makes a great pillow, but Annie will do in a pinch. This will be my first Christmas at Howie's house. He has been braggin' about all the food he gets, but so far all I see is his special panty-cree-att-itis menu getting served to him. I can't wait to see what Santa is going to bring me! What are you getting for Christmas? Enquiring puggy minds wants to know!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Howie Tootin' for the Cowboys
I'm gonna be tootin' for the Cowboys today. Who are you tootin' for?
Monday, November 7, 2011
AnnieBee's New Ducky Jammies
This here is AnnieBee
Aunty Punchy made me some custom tailored uber cute new ducky jammies so I am wearing them proudly today. Howie made a few comments but I think it's just cuz he is jealous that he doesn't have any ducky jammies. He said that these are the types of photos that go out on the Inter-Nett and get pugs in trouble when they apply for jobs or run for important presidential offices in the future. I happen to think that this here beautiful outfit will win me votes, don't you?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Close Encounters of the Very Scary Kind