CelebrityPug Stubby
looking all GQ
This here is Howie
Maw said I can write the blog today since I made the most noise at breakfast this morning. My good pal Stubby brought his folks over for a visit yesterday. He brought a bag full of food, per my instructions. Stubby has been traveling all over the country surprising folks with visits. I tried to climb into the car with Aunty Michele and Stubby as a surprise but maw said no. Have you ever heard such hooey in your life? She didn't even listen when I splained that Stubs gets to visit sixty dozen different refrigerators before he goes home.
I knew something was up this morning when Stubby brushed his teeth before he left. I saw on twitter he is having lunch with my girlfriend Pearley Poo in Oklahoma today. S'okay though, I am generous that way, and besides, he promised to mail me their leftovers so I got no problem with my good buddy StubsMan.
good pal StubbyPug and his
mom, Michele, who I would
like to trade my maw for
mom, Michele, who I would
like to trade my maw for
Aunty Michele.
the pug rescue peeps. Check out the cutey
just to his left!
just to his left!