A poem about Horseshoe Crabs:
Have continued to survive in the Kasoka waters
Spring and Autumn a friend
A learned person gently comes, steps carefully.
Translation by Cecil H. Uychara
Center. She said she had some friends she wanted to introduce me to. Can you imagine living close to something this beautiful?
people won't trounce on the grasses and wild critters that live there.
Sharon introduced me to her buddy, Mrs. Horseshoe Crab - a very busy Horseshoe Crab, since it's mating season in the bay! These critters are one of the most highly studied arthropods
by scientists and they've discovered something in them that helps human blood coagulate. Their chitin (outer shells) have properties that have been used to help human burn victims and studies of their eyes have benefited the field of human ophthalmology. I was very pleased to make the acquaintance of this ancient little lady, whose ancestors lived here before the dinosaurs. You can read more about Horseshoe Crabs at http://www.horseshoecrab.org/index.html
Ahh yes. . . me and the crabs ; )
Hi Nancy!
Great photos! Horseshoe crabs are cool! Who woulda thunk it!
:) m & e
LOL - Melissa, can you believe Sharon is so brave to grab them critters and just pick them up like that??? She may be little, but she is tough!
Thank you for sharing your trip with us. I would love to visit that type of a wildlife area. The horseshoe crabs. . .well, at least they have a medicimal purpose! lol.
Cathy and pugs
This is a treat! I get to see your lovely Puggies and hear Sharon's lovely New England voice! Also, learned about the horseshoe crabs. I had no idea!
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