Howie's Fan Club

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Talk to the Paw! I'm on the Phone Howie!!!

I'm on the phone Howie. Talk to the Paw!!

Anniebelly sez: Thank you Aunty Rita at Casbah Kitten fur my wonderful new celly phone. I do love it so much most especially because it has a BLOCK OBNOXIOUS PUGGY BROTHER button that I keep engaged at all hours of the day just in case Howard tries to call. Last time Howie called, all he did was FART into the phone. *rolls eyes* What if some handsome puggy like Bajas calls? *heart goes pitty pat* We certainly can't be wasting our precious minutes on flatulating brothers.


Nevis said...

*laughing* He farted into the phone?'re my kinda pug!

Anonymous said...

oooh, Anniebelly - you are such a high class ladypug. How do you deal with such riffraff everyday???

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

hAHA This is too funny! Anniebelly, if you near somebody snorting on the phone, you will know it's Coco calling.

Anonymous said...

Anniebelly, I'm so glad you like your phone! Sorry about what Howie did but that's how brothers are. At least you have a block button you can use!

Punchbugpug said...

HAHAHA...pug farts?

Love the new banner.

Debbi said...

Hey you need fer me to talk to H. Pee fer ya?? Dis is Mr. LouPants talkin to ya..jest let me know little Anniebelly if you want me to talk to him about his farts. Did u know dat Farts test your smelling??

Mr. LouPants :o)

Archie and Melissa said...

hi annie!
you look so cute with your phone!
call your brother and tell him he is silly!
m & e

Laura said...

Howie's no Diva, so no Diva phone for him! I don't think Diva's fart!

Unknown said...

Anniebelly, you are such a lucky lady to have a phone all for yourself. I am sorry you have to tolerate a farting brother. Pono says maybe he wouldn't mind a brother or sister so much, because sometimes being the only dog is a little lonely.

Puddleglum said...

Oooh, Annie you look so super-spiffy and important with your new talkie! You must be important, b/c I see humans with those things all the time and they're usually going somewhere fast and acting all busy.

Definitely not farting into it, in any case.

Anonymous said...

he farted into the phone?

Puglette said...

Anniebelly, you are such a lucky puggy girl! Keep that Howie away from your phone, you are right, that Bajas is one cute stud muffin!

The Devil Dog said...

You certainly can't. Brothers can be such a pain at time. Especially if they are worse than sisters.


Unknown said...

Trust me Roxy, brothers SMELL much worse than sisters. And they have some really annoying habits, too!
I do love my new celly phone. I just need to remember when the bill comes in to hide it from the Mama. ; )
xxooo Anniebelly

The WriggleButts said...

Oh wow.. I totally want one of these, then we could chat anytime!


Unknown said...

Oh hi Bajas! you are so handsome in your chunky silver machopuggy necklace. You need to give my brothers some fashion tips, and maybe tips on manners while you're at it. kissy! anniebee

Anonymous said...

so cute looking

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