Howie's Fan Club

Monday, September 1, 2008

Howie Boot Camp

When my brother Howie first arrived, I said,
"Let the little monster outta the pigpen.
I can train him, ma!"

Right away, I knew I had my paws full....

With the proper toys and distractions, I was able
to focus his energy upon chewing and destroyin'
stuff, valuable skills every pug should have.

He got tuckered out alot, so I also supervised
the nap activities. Pretty soon I had him snoring
and farting like a champ. Mom and dad scooch
over, Howie is ready for the big bed!

Nowadays, he's mainly just annoying. But he does make
a toasty warm blanket, that's fur sure.

This is me showing Howie how to use the doggy door...


Archie and Melissa said...

good morning nancy and all the p's!
i love the baby howie pictures!
how cute!
m and ep

Unknown said...

Baby Howie!!! You are adorable! Love the pug photos. Love them.

Shab-n-Chic said...

I <3 your blog so I decided to give you and your puggies an award. It's waiting for you at my blog. :)
- Nancy

Anonymous said...

Awww, Howie, you were (and still are!) such a cutie!!

Laura said...

Were you teaching him how to use the doggie door, or just preventing him from coming through it - LOL! What a cutie - both of them!

Manon said...

So, o cute Nancy! Howie was such a little ball of love! I love the video! LOL!

The Devil Dog said...

You two are so cute!

Roxy & Lucky

Nancy at the Farm said...

Hey Howeeee! You gotta a doggie door? WOW! We are jealous and it also means you can escape anytime!

Mum says to tell you that you were a cute baby. We think you looked okay - what is it with these hoomans and puppies?

Love, Dozer

Anonymous said...

Awww - too cute with the doggie door. The pugs are jealous. They are telling me to install one NOW, ma! Now!

Thoughts said...

Those are GR-eat pictures! I just discovered your blog and really like it. Ill have to plan to visit more often.


Nevis said...

That's hilarious!!!!