Howard's new beret is tres chic, no?
This here ess Meester HowieToday I have gone French with my new beret from Aunty Jessica of
All You Need Is Pug! Magnifique, yes? er, no? My brother Java Fromage and sister Annie Smellee are so jealous of my new hat. How do you say "jump in the lake" in French? hmmm? *twirls hypothetical mustachio*
*Pearl faints*
*Pearl re-gains consciousness*
Howie, you are soooooo dreamy!!!!!!
*Pearl faints... again*
Ooo, la, la! The girls are already fainting!
Tres Jolie
You are un chien to reckon with.
Au revoire cheri
Avec amour Noodles
I don't know about the beret, Howie. You've always struck me as a kind of "pug's pug" guy and this suggests a kind of effete ethos, if you know what I mean. I thought we were brothers in spirit? Don't get me wrong, I still believe you're made of the right stuff, but the beret is questionable. Lizzie would fall into a swoon, but then she is an idiot.
Respectfully submitted,
Oh my, so handsome in that European way...
Looking good, buddy! I'm sure my Annie would look stunning in it, too ;)
Welcome to the world of Frenchies
Benny & Lily
You look like an artiste'. I think that also means you no longer have to bathe. Could be a good thing.
Howie Pee Pants
I did not recognize your cuteness!
Oh my gosh,, now your a model!
The girls will swarm around you!
Java Fromage!!!!!
Hypothetical moustachio!!!!
Oh, HP man.....you an' Aint Nancy are more fun than a barrell o' monkeys I tell ya what!!!
Bon journeys Meester Howie! We luvs the berrret hat...very chic.
Kiss kiss
oh my goodness!
oui oui howie!
we LOVE your new beret!
jessica is soooo talented!
and you are the best model ever!
Oo, la, la is right, Howie! I am swooning over here for you right now. I miss you, Howie! I am doing everything you taught me to do even if it gets me in trouble. Maybe I need to get a beret so I look just like you.
You are very, very handsome, Howie. There is no doubt about it.
Roxy & Lucky
That hat suits you just fine! You look fantastique! I'm glad I came to visit you today!
Mais oui Howee PuffPants! You look amazing!
Love, Dozer and Cooper
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