Tiffy, get thee mama to Target! I saw pink (and purple, and blue) mini sock monkeys there yesterday! They are PERFECTLY pug sized, even though they are meant for little humans. :)
Annie, dis is Chu, I can beleeb yew has dismemberd dat munkee alreddy! I am berry mad at the mommy fur sendin it to yew wen it shudda beended mine, humph.
Hi AnnieBelly! I miss you, girl! I see that you are keeping the boys in line and being as bossy as ever. You go girl!
I love your sock monkey! I must send Momma out to get me one. Do they come in pink?
That blog title reads like a work of fine art. :)
Tiffy, get thee mama to Target! I saw pink (and purple, and blue) mini sock monkeys there yesterday! They are PERFECTLY pug sized, even though they are meant for little humans. :)
Mom wants to grab you and kiss you face!
you could not get any cuter... did you know that?
I love your sock monkey too!
Watcha thinking about? How much your love your sock monkey?
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Annie, dis is Chu, I can beleeb yew has dismemberd dat munkee alreddy! I am berry mad at the mommy fur sendin it to yew wen it shudda beended mine, humph.
Aww, what a cutie!
Thank you for the visit on our blog~
Reading everyones words offered great support
love from,
IzZY, TriXie and Anakin Man
Nice monkey bro! We just don't think he is going to last long though!
Love, Dozer and Cooper Edwards
Yo bro!
Mum has a kit to knit a sock monkey but we're not holding our breath on this one, she tends to procrastinate! Love your video, you are a star!
Love, Dozer and Cooper
SO SO SO CUTE! Mom is OBSESSED with Sock Monkeys (They're all named "Charlie").
You are the CUTEST!
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