My uber-cute new custom ducky jammies
This here is AnnieBeeAunty Punchy made me some custom tailored uber cute new ducky jammies so I am wearing them proudly today. Howie made a few comments but I think it's just cuz he is jealous that he doesn't have any ducky jammies. He said that these are the types of photos that go out on the Inter-Nett and get pugs in trouble when they apply for jobs or run for important presidential offices in the future. I happen to think that this here beautiful outfit will win me votes, don't you?
Oh, Annie, those are a lovely pair of pjs! And you look so cute in them! I think the ducky jammies rock and Howie is indeed jealous! Heee!
Hi AnnieBee!! Those jammies look super comfy and will surely get you most anything you want. I'd ask for a treat over some silly job!
Annie B you got MY VOTE!!! Those are PUGgone CUTE jammies. I gotsta find a way to get me some only I want BUNNIES. Oh DOg - what to do . . . what to do . . .
Love a JELLY-ows Noodles
Annie, honey.....the way I see it, ya got yer jammies all buttoned up an' yer what nots ain't showin', so whut's the big dill?
oh my are they some cool jammies
Benny & Lily
Annie Bee,
I just loooove you in your duckie jammies. You look so warm and toasty!
Oh Annie I love your new pj's and you look adorable in them!
Those are ridiculously adorable jammies!
Hi Annie Bee..
I love love love your jammies, and I think you should model them on Project Run Way!
Tell Howie he'll be sorry come Winter when your warm and snuggly and he is COLD! Glad that you like them! I loved making them for you!
AnnieBee...those ducky jammies are FABULOUS! Auntie Punchy did a great job (as usual) on them!!!
Just keep telling Howie that you hear the ice cream truck coming...looking for it should keep him busy and out of your face for a while.
AnnieBee, don't you for one minute listen to Howie!!! You look fabulous in your ducky jammies. You'll be warm and toasty all winter long!! I told momma she needs to get the lead out and send my numbers to Aunt Punchy so I can have some Christmas jammies!! Us petite pugs need to keep warm!! =)
oh aniie bee!
you and your duckies have all of our votes!
tell howie, these are the perfect jammies for him when he lets air escape out the back hatch, he can blame it on the duckies!
toots and quacks can sound very similar don't ya think?
call aunt punchy and give her your measurements.:)
archie poo pants
We love your Ducky jammies!! I have some punchy jammies I love too.
Tuni Woons
Annie Bee - we think you are absolutely adorable in your new jammies!! Howie is just jealous!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
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