Me and my brothers sawing logs - notice my double bed?
This here is AnnieBee
My handsome friend CocoPuggy posted where he likes to nap as a tribute to Aunty Angel Tuni, so I told Mama Who Adores Me that I wanted to do a Tuesday Tuni Tribute Too! Aunty Tuni taught me so much about being a divaqueen, even back when I was a babydiva and had so much to learn about bossin. Today whats I sees is whats I gets when I wants it - and I owe it all to Aunty Tuni's Training Program. I hope Aunty Tuni Angel is keeping watch over me. If she is, I will continue to always receive first choice of the new toys, first choice of the mama's lap time, and first serves at snackees and dinner times. We love you Angel Tuni, and hope you whispers in your mama's ear when she is dreaming so her heart will be comforted. Kisses from AnnieBee forever...
My favorite picture of Aunty Tuni with her Toy!
So sweet, Annie!
I loves loves loves this post. I miss Tuni.
Love Noodles
You gotta get what you want all the time cause you are too cute
Benny & Lily
Thank you Anniebelly for your sweet tribute to Tuni woonies. I'm sure she is watching out for ya so you get everything you want just like she did!
Oh gosh this is a beautiful tribute post for our sweet Angel Tuni.
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